We’re excited to introduce you to Buffie Norby, Access Plus Capitals Business Services Specialist in our Bakersfield Office. Recently, we asked Buffy a little about herself, her new role with Access Plus Capital, and what she’s looking to accomplish in this role. Please get to know Buffie and how the role she plays in your loan process!



What do you do at Access Plus Capital?

I am the Business Services Specialist, I provide technical assistance to business owners who have received a loan from APC. I also help with special projects and community outreach about APC.


How has your past work experience prepared you for your new role at Access Plus Capital?

I have always been a business-minded person helping entrepreneurs and small business owners grow or upscale their businesses so coming to APC, I just continued what I do best.


What is your favorite part of working at Access Plus Capital?

Community involvement, enriching the lives of my peers, community leaders, and the general public by showing them they can complete the task to make their dreams come true.


What is your favorite part of working with business owners?

Helping them build and achieve their dreams.


What’s the latest project you worked on? What was unique about it?

The Dream Fund; helping new business owners or entrepreneurs learn about running and growing their business to achieve the success they want and then a grant when they are done with the course is the best.

What are some of your outside-of-work hobbies and interests?

I am actually very active in the Bakersfield community. I am a member of the Westchester and Arvin/Lamont Kiwanis. I volunteer for Gleaners disturbing food to our local senior citizens twice a month. I mentor, transitional foster youth, and single parents. I work with a group of small business owners through my church and volunteer for any organizations that ask. My main hobby is spending time with my 6 grandchildren.