We recently sat down with Gabriel Holguin, Junior Underwriter at Access Plus Capital. When he’s not coaching on the soccer fields, Gabriel applies his skill at helping loan applicants get the capital they need to start their own small business. Learn more about Gabriel below:

First, tell me a little bit about your background. What did you do before you became part of the Access Plus Capital team?
I grew up on the east coast and studied Business and Economics at a small, private college in central Pennsylvania. After graduating from college I started applying for entry level positions at various non-profit financial organizations, mostly in Baltimore and Washington D.C.  Eventually I ended up applying for a one-year economic development program in Fresno with AmeriCorps. I ended up being placed at Access Plus Capital as a financial education intern. While interning with APC I helped develop a financial education curriculum, and set up a program where EOC staff members could receive training on how to educate their clients on basic personal financial best practices. In addition to developing and implementing the financial education program, I spent a fair amount of time learning the ins and outs of APC and their role as a CDFI in the Central Valley. After the program ended, APC offered me a full time position as a Junior Underwriter, and I’ve been working here ever since.
What do you do at Access Plus Capital?
I am currently working as a Junior Loan underwriter, doing risk management for APC’s Micro and Nano Loans ($5,000 to $50,000). My work consists of underwriting Micro and Nano Loans, determining loan risk, and preparing credit memorandums.
What is your favorite part of working at Access Plus Capital?
Definitely the business analysis aspect of the underwriting process. When underwriting a loan, I have to familiarize myself with both the industry and the business itself, dissecting all the ins and outs of the organization, piecing together the story behind their financial and credit performances over the most recent years, and putting together a thorough picture of the business as a whole. It’s a little bit like detective work, but I can do it all from my desk, so it’s quite the rush.
What is your favorite part of working with business owners?
As an underwriter I rarely get to work with business owners in person, but I love hearing all of the success stories of business owners who’s loans I had underwritten in the past from my coworkers. It’s also pretty exciting to see the business I’ve underwritten loans for outside of work, whether I’m going in to grab some food from a former client, or just passing their storefront on the way home.
What’s the latest project you worked on? What was unique about it?
I actually just finished working on a Nano Loan for a video production company that was looking for funds to secure a certificate that would allow them to expand their services and subsequently grow their clientele. This was a fairly unique deal as it was one of the first Nano Loans I’ve underwritten. Our Nano Loan product was developed to be a fast turnaround loan with a streamlined application and approval process, which added a novel high-speed element to the underwriting process.
What are some of your outside of work hobbies and interests?
Essentially anything that has to do with the outdoors and and/or exercise. Some of my top favorite hobbies include playing soccer with friends, hikes up in the mountains (with friends), and long bike rides – also with friends. I also recently started coaching a youth soccer team for one of the local soccer clubs in Fresno, which has turned out to be an incredibly enjoyable and entertaining experience.