We’re excited to feature Harry Hamparian in this week’s employee spotlight! He plays a vital role in supporting small businesses in the Central Valley at Access Plus Capital. Let’s dive into his perspective on the importance of this work.

Q. What is the most rewarding part about working with small business owners in the Central Valley at Access Plus Capital? How do you see your work contributing to their success stories?

A. Seeing the determination of each small business owner to maneuver their unique businesses in the right direction is what makes my work rewarding. I had the pleasure of getting involved in an organization while attending college that did everything it could to promote and champion local small businesses in the area. That short-term experience left a long-term impression on me in the importance of supporting the goals and dreams of each small business owner by shopping locally. Revisiting that experience on a daily basis pushes my personal efforts to help contribute to the success stories of small business owners in the Valley.

Q. Access Plus Capital prioritizes both financial success and social impact. Can you describe a specific instance where you were able to make a positive difference in the community, beyond just providing capital?

A. I’d like to think that my experience as a volunteer sports coach at the recreation level has made an impact in the Fresno and Clovis communities. Similar to the financial coaching we provide at Access Plus Capital, sports coaching involves two unique parties (coach and players) that share and revere a common goal that requires the attention and dedication of each side in order to achieve that goal.

Q. Access Plus Capital’s vision is a Central Valley where capital is no longer a barrier to success. How does your role contribute to achieving this vision, and why does this aspect of Access Plus Capital’s mission resonate with you?

A. Putting myself in the shoes of these persistent small business owners that are simply looking for a lender to provide them with a chance makes a lasting impact on me and the work that I contribute. The organization’s goal in not having capital be a barrier to success resonates with me due to the simple fact that there are unique small business ideas out there that continue to be locked away due to the idea makers having difficulties in securing desired financing. My role in ensuring that loan applications are complete and polished before moving into Underwriting can help expedite the travel time of loan applications in our organization pipeline, which can help speed up the distribution of financing to the business owners that need it.