As we end 2022 and set our sights on 2023 we are excited to share our APC version of “Wrapped.”

In 2022 we…

  1. Reached and surpassed a landmark $50 million dollars in loans deployed since our opening in 2008!
  2. Funded our 1,500th Loan!
  3. Celebrated our 14th anniversary!
  4. Added 9 new team members to the APC Family!
  5. Moved our Bakersfield team into a shiny, new office!

None of this could be accomplished without the continued support of our partners, colleagues, funders, and friends.

As you finalize your end-of-year giving, we ask that you consider making a contribution to the work of Access Plus Capital, having full confidence that your financial support is going directly to the small business owners, aspiring entrepreneurs, and historically underbanked and underfunded communities who need access to capital the most.